What do we offer

Would you enjoy…..
Social activities?
Days out?
Someone to chat to?

Transport for medical appointments?

As one of our
regulars says “I love
the kindness and
help from all the
Befrienders and all
the new friends I
have made, it has
been a life saver “

Registered Charity No. 1179850
Tel: 07523 512934
Email: loggerheadsbefrienders@gmail.com
Website: www.loggerheadsbefrienders.org.uk

What do we offer….
We extend the hand of friendship to anyone over 18 who lives in Loggerheads
and surrounding district

Coffee Morning

We organise coffee mornings & games afternoons
We provide sit down fun exercise
We go out for lunch
We organise events and outings
We organise walks
We talk with people in their homes
We can provide transport
All at no charge
Confidentiality is ensured at all times, all Befrienders are police checked

Sit down exercise
group having fun